Thursday, July 26, 2007

My darling

This is my dog Chip!
He is chihuahua♪
He is little selfish, but soooo cute(*^_^*)

I haven’t seen him since Golden week, so I miss him so much...
He is very loved by my family,so he should be very happy..★★★

He likes Pomeranian Milky which lives near my house very much.When I take him for a walk, he always goes straight to her house.

Her house.... I thought Milky was a girl, because Chip seemed to be in love with Milky.....,BUT!! I found out Milky was a boy!!

I wonder if Chip is a gay.....

However Chip likes beautiful human girls, so I don’t know.....

Draemon’s AIR GUN!

My old friend came to my house on 24th! We have known each other for 13 years! Now, she goes to Aoyamagakuin Uni, so we still meet sometimes.

On that day, she gave me an Air Gun toy which is one of Draemon’s tools.w
That was surpring gift, but it’s ok ,because I like Draemon.
We played with that and just talkd all day. 

She also brought yummy cheese cakes-New York cheese cake,and chocolate cheese cake-, and I bought white peach yoghurt cream puffs, so we enjoyed those as well. Of course, those were so nice...★

By the way, an air conditioner in my hose has been broken, and it was very hot sunny day, so.......(>_<)!!
I really need to get it repaired!!


Do you know this Manga?? This is one of my favorite manga 

This story is about adventure of pirates.Main characters are Rufi(captain),Zoro(swordsman), Sanji(cook), Usoppu, Franky(shipwright), Chopper(doctor), Nami(navigator), Robin(archaeologist).

This manga is sooo interesting that you should read!! All characters are so funny!When I read this manga, I can’t stop laughing(^◇^)
Also, ONE PIECE has many heart- warming stories. I even cry sometimes...

ONE PIECE is published vol.1~vol.46  (still continuing!)

I have all, so I can lend you anytime!


Girls Talk

Natsumi and I went to Yokohama after school on 23rd.

First, we looked around in JOYNUS because I wanted to buy a present for my friend... There were a lot of interesting things in one general store.However, I could not decide which was the best.

Therefore, We decided to have dinner. We had dinnere at La Pausa Which is Natsumi’s favorite restaurant♪♪

I had spaghetti, and Natsumi had stake! Both dishes were soo nice!!In adittion, all foods they provide are very cheap(^o^)/ , so we don’t need to be worried about money when we have dinner at La Pausa(*^^)v It is a good restaurant for students!

Also, we enjoyed talking very much. We talked about various things. Through a lot of talking, we got excited, angry, laughed, and cryed.....soo busy!ha ha..

I had a verry good time♪ When I talk with Natsumi, I can always relieve my stress!! Thank you

◆◆G class PARTY◆◆

We had lunch together on 18th!!
I enjoyed a lot of yummy food!! There were many kinds of food there! Japanese, chinese, french, italian...?? and I could eat as much as I wanted...(*^_^*)

My favorite was Custard Pudding☆☆☆
Aiko san’s cake as well!!  thank u very much, aiko san(^u^)

After luch, Risa, Misa, Asaka, Meiko, Miho, Haruna, Natsumi, Hiromi, and I took some sticker pictures.

Then,Risa, Meiko, Miho, Natsumi, and I went to KARAOKE. About 1 hour later? Riko san and Aichan came!! I met real Aichan for the first time(^^)/ She is soooo CUTE!! I wanted to take her home with me...

Anyway, I had a really good time!! I’m looking forword to having next G class activity♪♪ and those who couldn’t come must join next time!!

◆◆Thak you very much, everyone◆◆

Sunday, July 15, 2007


What is your plan of summer holiday?
well, I got a ticket of FIVB World Grand Prix 2007(*^^)v
   Japan vs Netherlands
I haven't played volley ball many times before, and I'm not good at playing at all..... However! I love to watch volley ball games(^v^) especially, girls volley ball games.
Every time I watch games, I get very excited! I like Takahashi and princess Megu!! They are really nice!!
(of course, all players are great
I can't wait seeing them!

Sunday, July 8, 2007


This is my Friday's Dinner!!! Since May, I have eaten convinience stor's food every day! In April, I was enjyoying cooking because it was very new thing to me. However, I'm being lazy recently, and I am fed up with cooking. Therefore, I always get my food at convinience store or super market.Now, i'm feeling that i will be sick! I don't think I have enough nutrition every day... Sometimes, I only have some breads a day!

I need a chef! Cook something for me, please!

I'm really looking forword to having lunch on18th!

Saturday, June 2, 2007

The "SEREBU" Day

On saturday, I went to Harajyuku first time with Natsumi.

First, we went to Itarian restaurant to have lunch and then we went to "Takeshita douri" to buy clothes.(^v^) There ware so many shops that we spent many hours to look all shops! After the short rest at Star backs, we went shopping again♪ When we realized that it was very dark out side, it was about 8:00 p.m. Therefore we entered the restaurant next to "ZARA" where we were. The restaurant looked very cool and modern(゜o゜) Imagine! A candle each table ...nice music...a big screan showing something relaxing...a confortable chair...delicious meal...
This is the best place for couples! ha-ha

Anyway, we enjoyed girls talk very muchand all dishes were so delicious(>v<)!! and expensive!! This was a kind of restaurant we don't usually go, so we call this day "The SEREBU Day". We are planning to have a SEREBU day regularly(*^^)v

I had a very good time!!  I'm looking forword to having a SEREBU day, again!
Thank you, Natsumi!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

GOLDEN WEEK\(゜ロ\)(/ロ゜)/

What did you do during GOLDEN WEEK??
I went back to my home town, which is Okazaki in Aichi.
On the first day, I had BBQ at my house with my family, dogs, and my boyfriend.
My father cooked at garden and we ate at terrace. Some meats and vages were bitter because they were burned too much, but I didn't care that because I was very happy to have had lunch with my family. I live all by myself in Yokohama so I missed my family very much!

Now, I know how important my family is!! If you live with your family, you should say "thank you" to your family especially to your Mum!! Humanbeings called MUM are so great! They cook, clean rooms, do washes.....They do anything for their family!

Anyway, the best thing during this holiday was that I could sleep in till noon! Nobody did't interrupt my sleep(*^^)v

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

"UMIZARU"(Japanese movie)

Did anyone watch "UMIZARU-limit of love-" on Saturday last week?
I DID!!! It was sooooo GREAT!!!
I also watched "UMIZARU" (part1) on Saturday, 14th. Although it was good too, I prefer the 2nd one.
This movie is about marine officers. They rescue people who has trouble in the sea.
main characters in this movie are Daisuke (Hideaki Ito) and Kanna (Ai Kato).
Daisuke is a marrine officer and Kanna is his girlfriend. Daisuke is very strong and has strong sense of equity. What's more, he is handsome and general.
The best scene is the scene where Daisuke proposes Kanna on the phone before he survives from the sinking ship. I cried and cried When I watched this scene! I couldn't stop crying because when he proposes her, we don't know whether he can survive or not from the sinking ship, yet. although he survives at the end, he seems that he doesn't survive at that time.
After I watched this movie, I came to like Hideaki Ito so much! He is so cool in the movie.
Now, I'm planning to rent DVDs of drama "UMIZARU".

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Chip & Dale-I think most of you have heard this name. this is a name of two chipmunks which are famous Disney charactor. They are very cute and funny so I like them so much!
Also, this is a name of my lovely dog. His name is Chip but my family call him "chikkun". He joined our family when I was 10 years old. He was very weak at first. He got sick so many times so we had to take him hospital hundreds of times. We were worried his health so much. However, as he qrow up he became healty and became bigger and bigger! He should weigh 3kg but now he weighs about 6kg! He is still cute though. If you see my dog once, you will love him!