Tuesday, May 6, 2008


On 30th in April, Natsumi stayed at my place(^^♪.

It should have been a day for planning because we had a lot of things to be decided.
We are thinking to go on a trip to Tailand during summer vacation, so we were supposed to decide our schedule to make a reservation. Besides that, we were going to decide when we go on a camp for a dliver's licence.

However, when we got to my place, we were very hungry... So, we thought we could do our plannings after we had dinner. Terefore, we oedered some sushi and made some dishes as you can see the picture above.

Then after dinner, we were to start planning....BUT, we were so full and didn't feel like doing anything. That means we lay on the floor and took a rest for a while...

Finally at almost midnight, we started to look for travel companies which take place a nice tour of Thailand. It seemed to go well at first, but as we talk, we wandered away from the topic!!What is more, some of my friends came over my place around 1:oo a.m. .

I think you can guess what happenned next.

We ended up planned almost nothing!

That always happens between us, but we never care! haha   That's us(^v^)

Anyway, I had fun!!

Natsumi, we have to set up another planning day!


Go G! said...

I can imagine that you two having so much fun together. There is still plenty of time before this year's summer vacation. Good luck!


asaca-m said...

The picuture(Natsumi) is cute!!!
I want to go to your place with G-friends^^*

PekiMama said...

How nice to visit Thailand! I went to Bangkok before. It was so hot because of the weather and the Thai-food. Enjoy★ Pekimama

mari*U said...

You are plannning to go to Thailand!?Wow,how active you are!
and It sounds soooo interesting.
You are really friendly with Natsumi.I feel envious a little^^;

captain chaos Natsumi said...

Thank you for inviting me on that day! I was enjoyed very much.
Yes, we have to set onether day to plan for many things...
So, when do we plan??