Friday, May 9, 2008

GO G!!

G means Grampus this time(^_^)/ (not Giants.. sorry, Rikosan)
On 3rd May, I went to Toyata stadium to watch the game Nagoya Grampus VS Gamba Osaka.
I wore a uniform of TAMADA, no.11 as you can see. I like all the players, but he is my favorite in Grampus♪♪ As many people wear a uniform, stand becomes red on the day of game.
I had a seat side of the court which was slightly close to Gamba side.
Usually, when an announcer calls players names, I hear a lot of cheers from supporters of Grampus. However, on that day, I heard a storm of booing around me!! So I looked around and found out that there were many supporters in a blue uniform of Gamba Osaka!!I was depressed for a moment, but soon I cheered Grampus with a loud voice to beat Gamba!
Unfortunately, Gamba got the first point, but Grampus tied Gamba during the first half. The game seemed even by the half time.
In the second half, Grampus made many chances to score, but none of those actually lead to the goal....
Then, at almost end of the second half, the worst thing happened!! Gamba scored a winning goal!!!
Now, Grampus is placed the second, but I believe they will regain the first place!
GO G!!!

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